Should nannies be registered?

Should nannies be registered ?

It would be very easy to simply say “yes, of course” to this question. The benefits of registration are clear to many:

  • Standards would be consistent across the industry and nannies, parents and agencies would be clear on the minimum standards a nanny must reach and currently anyone can call themselves a nanny, so registration would ideally clearly define what being a nanny means
  • Nannies would be accountable and it would make it harder for bad apples to remain caring for children
  • Nannies could access support and training provided by local authorities in the same way that childminders can
  • Registration on the Early Years register could potentially enable nannies delivering the EYFS to access funding, as some childminders can

Yet one of the biggest advantages of a nanny is the flexibility that they can provide, not purely in terms of hours worked but also in the style of care. Some parents don’t want a carer who is obliged to deliver the EYFS and deal with copious amounts of paperwork, ready for inspection at any moment. Registering all home-based childcare without thinking it through risks turning us into a “nanny-state” (if you’ll forgive the pun, it was irresistible!).

The first and most obvious consideration is what form this registration would take. Would it be modeled on the current approach, with the same requirements for the voluntary register? Would the checks that are carried out be the same? And would this prevent cases such as this failure to carry out proper checks? Or the anecdotal evidence of many nannies who say they have been allowed to register without holding a common core qualification or insurance? If registration were implemented without these problems being addressed, we believe this would seriously undermine the credibility of a compulsory register.

Alternatively, if the voluntary register were abolished and all nannies were required to register on the compulsory register would they be required to deliver the EYFS and inspected on their ability to do so? Where does this leave parental choice? What happens to nannies who work for families who only have older children? Nannies and childminders offer different types of childcare – a nanny is an employee of the family and contracted to do as the parents wish, whereas a childminder as a self-employed person can set their own agenda. A one-size-fits-all approach would risk losing the distinction between these fundamentally different types of care.

Secondly how far would this compulsory register extend? What about young people who are working in an ‘au pair’ role? In the absence of an official immigration category (with the exception of A2 nationals) when is the distinction made between an au pair and a nanny for purposes of registration? Some au pairs are registered with OFSTED, having taken the necessary steps, so they can be paid with childcare vouchers. Tightening registration may mean removing this financial assistance from parents who need wraparound childcare, remembering that accessing childcare vouchers is the principle reason many nannies are registered with OFSTED.

Thirdly what would happen about inspections? Inspection for a nanny is currently very different from inspection for a childminder. Crucially it does not take place until after the nanny has registered and only a fraction of nannies are inspected annually.The quality of inspection also varies from a cursory check of documentation to an in depth interview covering grey areas of record keeping, as OFSTED are yet to publish detailed guidelines of what exactly nannies do and do not need to have in writing. Should nannies be inspected to the same level as childminders? Would parents be happy to have an inspector entering their private property when they are not present? How would a nanny store confidential information safely? How would this be handled where a nanny works in different homes for different families throughout the week, who each have different expectations and requirements? Thorough and consistent inspections by appropriately trained, specialist inspectors would be a positive step but these need to take place at the time of registration, following a similar format to the childminder pre-registration inspection, to ensure that every nanny is of a suitable standard before they work in the door. This does not preclude spot checks/inspections to ensure that all nannies do indeed have a valid First Aid certificate and appropriate insurance at all times

Finally the question of ratios rears its head. At the moment a family with 4 children under 5 would find it impossible to find a childminder, and in any case a nanny would be a more economical option. If nannies were required to register, large families would find it impossible to find childcare for their needs and could be forced to employ 2 nannies simultaneously to fit in with Government guidelines.

Treating nannies like childminders, and nurseries, by forcing everyone into the same framework is not the answer. One workable option could be to create a system where home based childcarers wishing to deliver the EYFS could register one one part and those childminders and nannies who don’t want to, or who don’t need to, could register on a different part. Another solution would be to create a register for nannies similar to the current register with clearly defined requirements, stringent checks and consistent inspections. Forcing every childcare provider into the same framework is not the way forward.

Registration should result in workforce recognized as being competent and professional, and it is worth doing right.


Nannies and charges alike can suffer from a terrible affliction at the end of September: end-of-September-itis. Maybe your charge is finding school hard-going, maybe your new job is starting to seem less perfect, maybe you’ve caught that playground cold, maybe it’s just that mornings and evenings are darker….

Most children have returned to school by now and even new starters should have completed their settling in period. At this point reality can hit like a ton of bricks. The novelty of a new experience or the excitement of catching up with friends has worn off, work has started in earnest (and some children may already be struggling) and half term seems a long time away.

  • Reassure children, especially little ones, that they do get holidays and that it isn’t too far off. Make a countdown chart and start planning fun things to do during half term, but don’t be too ambitious – they may well be tired.
  • Encourage your charges to talk about their day at school and find out if they feel that they’re having any problems. You can make a big difference by supporting them at home, but only if you know what they’re feeling. Help your charges make friends by doing imaginative play with stuffed toys or acting out scenarios so they can learn some good opening lines. Make an extra effort to incorporate counting and basic arithmetic skills into daily routines and encourage them to show off their new literacy skills not just while doing homework but by reading recipes to you or writing down a message in the nanny communication diary. If you don’t feel confident in your own skills investigate adult education courses to give you a boost.
  • Talk about the future and help them see how a love of learning is important.. Encourage them to be ambitious and be enthusiastic yourself about learning. If you’re positive about school, chances are they will be too.

September is prime transition time in the nanny world. A new job is exciting but after a couple of weeks dissatisfaction can set it. While bumps in the first month or so are to be expected , it can be disheartening to be corrected on a daily basis, and if your employers have been late home five times already you might be wondering just how frequently that will happen in the future.

  • If you feel unhappy it’s important to talk to your employers sooner rather than later. If you don’t raise issues with them now it’s easy for something you aren’t happy with to become part of the routine.
  • It’s a good idea to suggest a quick review of how things are going, that both parties can prepare for, and talk about the positive and less positive aspects of this new employment relationship. Try to come to the table with strategies and solutions. If parents are consistently late home you could suggest that the contract be amended to reflect what is actually happening. If you’re finding the job description too much, or at least for the time being, suggest that you decide together what areas to focus on and what can wait until you settle into the role.
  • Focus on the good bits. It can be easy to get bogged down in what’s going wrong so think about the things you enjoy and how you can develop those aspects of your new job.

A new job may mean a new area, new activities and nanny friends. If you’re a shy person, and some nannies are, it can  be difficult to meet people. Even a confident person can feel overwhelmed.

  • Ask your employers for recommendations! Hopefully you’ll have had a bit of a handover and during that time either seen or been told about the best places to go in the area. Maybe your employers have an activity they’d love your charge to do that you could find and go to.
  • Get out and about to explore, taking particular note of child-friendly indoor spaces for a change of scenery in bad weather! Be proactive about looking for free activities online and try to introduce yourself to parents and carers at groups. It’s important for both your charges and you to have social interaction during the workday because children learn not only by doing but also by watching you model social skills. If you’re taking over from another nanny you may have some good contacts so don’t be afraid to call them. The children will probably know each other and that’s a great way to break the ice.
  • Remember that parents may be wary of you taking their children to new activities or people’s houses straight away.This is perfectly natural, just try to reassure them that you have the children’s best interests at heart and won’t be putting them in any danger. Offer to send them a quick text to check in if it makes them feel more comfortable and look ahead – as time goes on they’ll trust your judgement more.
Germs are an unfortunate fact of life and September is often the start of the ‘cold season’. 

  • Encourage good hygiene. Remind children to wash their hands frequently, blow their nose into a tissue and cover their mouths when they cough. These simple measures can drastically reduce transmission of colds and other bugs.
  • Learn how to bust colds naturally. Eating lots of fresh fruit and veg may seem less appetizing when it’s cold and damp but it’s super-important. Learn more about nutrition for nannies
  • Know when to ease off. A cold can make you feel really miserable and it’s okay to have a chilled out day or afternoon if everyone’s feeling a bit under the weather.
Finally wrap up warm and turn those dark evenings into something fun with these glow stick activities!

New school year… blog!

BAPN is the membership organisation for professional nannies, dedicated to raising the profile of nannies and promoting quality childcare. We provide information, support and training to members, set industry standards which employers and recruitment agencies can refer to and represent nannies to the Government and the media on issues affecting the profession.

Nannies working in the UK and qualified to level 2 or above, who hold a Paediatric First Aid certificate, Enhanced CRB and public liability insurance are welcome to join as Full Members. For students studying a recognised childcare qualification or qualified nannies working overseas we have specialised memberships.

Members are able to access  exclusive discounts with insurance and training providers, including industry leaders such as Morton Michel, MNT Training and Educare NSPCCregular newsletters, a members only area on the website (including a forum), local networks headed by a coordinator, specialist workshops and events, and a free CV and professional development service. We are constantly expanding the range of services available to members and appreciate any feedback on how we can make the organisation more beneficial to nannies.

BAPN also provides free factsheets and information to parents on recruiting and employing a nanny. We will be expanding the range of information available to employers and agencies in the near future.

We’ll be using this blog to keep you up to date with our new initiatives, comment on issues related to nannying and childcare/early years education in general and inform you of our work with other organisations and the Government.